## version $VER: XX.catalog XX.XX (XX.XX.XX) ## codeset X ## language X MSG_Application ; Application; MSG_Base ; Base; MSG_Author ; Author; MSG_Title ; Title; MSG_Version ; Version; MSG_Copyright ; Copyright; MSG_Description ; Description; MSG_Cancel ; Cancel; MSG_CancelKey MSG_Ok ; OK; MSG_OkKey MSG_ApplicationLost ; You will lose all your application\n if you continue.; MSG_AboutText ; \033c\nMUI-Builder V1.1\nwas written by\n\n\033bEric TOTEL\033n\n\nand released on 03/06/1994\n\nThis program is Giftware\nAll rights reserved\nContact me at :\n\ntotel@laas.fr\n\n; MSG_Failed ; Failed to create application !; MSG_Arguments ; I keep only the first argument !; MSG_NeedWindows ; You need windows in your application !!; MSG_NotEnoughMemory ; Not Enough Memory Error !; MSG_SelectWindow ; You must select a window first !; MSG_Confirm ; Are you sure you want to do that ?; MSG_ConfirmExit ; You must be joking !!!\nDo you really want to quit ?; MSG_SelectGroup ; You must select a group first !; MSG_SelectGroupChild ; You must select a group child first !; MSG_SelectTmpObject ; You need to select an object in tmp !; MSG_RemoveRootGroup ; You can't remove the group child !; MSG_QuitWindowAttributes ; You need a title, a label, and groups !; MSG_NoChild ; The Root group must have childs !; MSG_CodeC ; C Code; MSG_CodeE ; E Code; MSG_Configuration ; Configuration; MSG_ConfigChoices ; Config Choices; MSG_GhostWindows ; Ghost Windows; MSG_Icons ; Icons; MSG_Requests ; Requests; MSG_Editor ; Editor; MSG_Save ; Save; MSG_SaveKey MSG_EditorChoice ; Editor Choice; MSG_WrittenBy ; Written by Eric Totel; MSG_About ; About; MSG_AboutKey MSG_Config ; Config; MSG_ConfigKey MSG_Windows ; Windows; MSG_Creation ; Creation Control; MSG_Appli ; Appli; MSG_AppliKey MSG_NewWindow ; New Window; MSG_NewWindowKey MSG_EditWindow ; Edit Window; MSG_EditWindowKey MSG_Delete ; Delete; MSG_DeleteKey MSG_View ; View; MSG_ViewKey MSG_Code ; Code; MSG_CodeKey MSG_Guide ; Guide; MSG_GuideKey MSG_Load ; Load; MSG_LoadKey MSG_Quit ; Quit; MSG_QuitKey MSG_WindowAttributes ; Window Attributes; MSG_WindowIdentification ; Window Identification; MSG_Label ; Label; MSG_WindowChildren ; Window Children; MSG_Groups ; Groups; MSG_NewGroup ; New Group; MSG_NewGroupKey MSG_AddChild ; Add Child; MSG_AddChildKey MSG_RemoveGroup ; Remove Group; MSG_RemoveGroupKey MSG_GroupChildren ; Group Children; MSG_RemoveChild ; Remove; MSG_RemoveChildKey MSG_Up ; Up; MSG_UpKey MSG_Down ; Down; MSG_DownKey MSG_Tmp ; Tmp; MSG_ToTmp ; -->Move; MSG_ToTmpKey MSG_ToChild ; <--Move; MSG_ToChildKey MSG_RemoveTmp ; RemoveObj; MSG_RemoveTmpKey MSG_Test ; Test; MSG_TestKey MSG_WindowParentName ; %s = Child of window; MSG_GroupParentName ; %s = Child of %s; MSG_GroupWindow ; Group Choices; MSG_GroupAttributes ; Group Attributes; MSG_HorizGroup ; Horizontal Group; MSG_PageMode ; Register Mode; MSG_SameHeight ; Same Height; MSG_SameWidth ; Same Width; MSG_SameSize ; Same Size; MSG_VirtualGroup ; Virtual Group; MSG_Columns ; Columns; MSG_Rows ; Rows; MSG_HorizSpacing ; Horizontal Spacing; MSG_VertSpacing ; Vertical Spacing; MSG_Weight ; Weight; MSG_RowsColumns ; Rows/Columns; MSG_Number ; Number; MSG_Spacing ; Spacing; MSG_Horizontal ; Horizontal; MSG_Vertical ; Vertical; MSG_GroupIdent ; Group Identification; MSG_NeedLabel ; You need a label !; MSG_ObjectChoice ; Object Choice; MSG_Group ; Group; MSG_GroupKey MSG_KeyButton ; KeyButton; MSG_KeyButtonKey MSG_ListView ; ListView; MSG_ListViewKey MSG_DirList ; DirList; MSG_DirListKey MSG_String ; String; MSG_StringKey MSG_LabelKey MSG_Cycle ; Cycle; MSG_CycleKey MSG_Radio ; Radio; MSG_RadioKey MSG_Image ; Image; MSG_ImageKey MSG_Space ; Space; MSG_SpaceKey MSG_CheckMark ; CheckMark; MSG_CheckMarkKey MSG_Slider ; Slider; MSG_SliderKey MSG_Gauge ; Gauge; MSG_GaugeKey MSG_Scale ; Scale; MSG_ScaleKey MSG_Text ; Text; MSG_TextKey MSG_Prop ; Prop; MSG_PropKey MSG_LabelIdent ; Label Identification; MSG_LabelChoice ; Label Choice; MSG_NeedLabelTitle ; You need a label and a title; MSG_Left ; Left; MSG_Right ; Right; MSG_Center ; Center; MSG_StringChoice ; String Choice; MSG_UseTitle ; Use a title for string; MSG_SecretString ; Secret String; MSG_IntegerString ; Integer String; MSG_StringIdent ; String Identification; MSG_Content ; Content; MSG_Accept ; Accept; MSG_Reject ; Reject; MSG_MaxLen ; MaxLength; MSG_ButtonChoices ; Button Choices; MSG_ButtonIdent ; Button Identification; MSG_ShortKey ; Hot Key; MSG_CheckMarkChoice ; CheckMark Choice; MSG_CheckMarkIdent ; CheckMark Identification; MSG_CycleChoice ; Cycle Choices; MSG_CycleEntries ; Cycle Entries; MSG_New ; New; MSG_NewKey MSG_Remove ; Remove; MSG_RemoveKey MSG_Entry ; Entry; MSG_SelectEntry ; You must select a list entry !; MSG_NeedLabelEntries ; You need a label and list entries !; MSG_RadioChoices ; Radio Choices; MSG_RadioEntries ; Radio Entries; MSG_SortbyName ; Sort by Name; MSG_SortbyDate ; Sort by Date; MSG_SortbySize ; Sort by Size; MSG_ListDirChoices ; ListDir Choices; MSG_Attributes ; Attributes; MSG_DrawersOnly ; Drawers Only; MSG_FilesOnly ; Files Only; MSG_FilterDrawers ; Filter Drawers; MSG_MultiSelection ; Multi Selection; MSG_RejectIcons ; Reject Icons; MSG_SortHighLow ; Sort High-Low; MSG_SortType ; Sort Type; MSG_Dir ; Dir; MSG_GaugeChoices ; Gauge Choices; MSG_Choices ; Choices; MSG_HorizGauge ; Horizontal Gauge; MSG_FixHeight ; Fix Height; MSG_FixWidth ; Fix Width; MSG_Divide ; Divide; MSG_Maximum ; Maximum; MSG_Height ; Height; MSG_Width ; Width; MSG_MultiplyDefinedLabel ; \033c\0338BEWARE\nThe following Labels are\nmultiply defined; MSG_MultiDefinitions ; MultiDefinitions; MSG_CodeFileName ; Code File Name; MSG_ObjectsLabels ; Objects Labels; MSG_GeneratedLabels ; Generated Labels; MSG_AppCode ; App Code; MSG_AppCodeKey MSG_ObjectCode ; Object Code; MSG_ObjectCodeKey MSG_RemoveLabel ; Remove Label; MSG_RemoveLabelKey MSG_AddLabel ; Add Label; MSG_AddLabelKey MSG_Options ; Options; MSG_Declarations ; Declarations; MSG_Environment ; Environment; MSG_SelectObject ; Select an object in Objects list first !!; MSG_AlreadyGenerated ; This Label is already generated in the code !; MSG_SelectLabel ; You must select a generated label first !; MSG_TextLength ; \0338 Actually Text Length; MSG_NodeTitle ; Node Title; MSG_EditNodeText ; Edit Node Text; MSG_EditNodeTextKey MSG_CantOpen ; Can't Open temporary file !; MSG_AmigaGuide ; AmigaGuide; MSG_Objects ; Objects; MSG_Edit ; Edit; MSG_EditKey MSG_Edit2Key MSG_Operations ; Operations; MSG_AppNode ; App Node; MSG_AppNodeKey MSG_WindowNode ; Window Node; MSG_WindowNodeKey MSG_ObjectNode ; Object Node; MSG_ObjectNodeKey MSG_GenerateWholeDoc ; Generate Whole Doc; MSG_GenerateWholeDocKey MSG_GenerateWinDoc ; Generate Win Doc; MSG_GenerateWinDocKey MSG_GenerateObjDoc ; Generate Obj Doc; MSG_GenerateObjDocKey MSG_ViewDoc ; View Doc; MSG_ViewDocKey MSG_AmigaguideDocName ; AmigaGuide Doc Name; MSG_CantOpenAmigaGuide ; Can't Open AmigaGuide File !; MSG_ImageChoice ; Image Choice; MSG_FreeVertical ; Free Vertical; MSG_FreeHorizontal ; Free Honrizontal; MSG_InputMode ; Input Mode; MSG_Frame ; Frame; MSG_Size ; Size; MSG_ImageIdent ; Image Identification; MSG_NeedImageLabel ; You need to select an image and a label !; MSG_ListChoice ; List Choice; MSG_ListType ; List Type; MSG_ListIdent ; List Identification; MSG_StandardList ; Standard List; MSG_FloattextList ; Floattext List; MSG_VolumeList ; Volume List; MSG_FileName ; File Name; MSG_NotBuilderSaveFile ; It's NOT a MUIBuilder Save File !!!; MSG_WrongVersion ; Unknown MUIBuilder save file : probably wrong version !; MSG_PropChoices ; Prop Choices; MSG_HorizontalProp ; Horizontal Prop; MSG_EntriesNumber ; Entries Number; MSG_FirstNumber ; First Number; MSG_VisibleNumber ; Visible Number; MSG_ScaleTitle ; Scale; MSG_Orientation ; Orientation; MSG_SliderChoice ; Slider Choice; MSG_SliderQuiet ; Slider Quiet; MSG_UseTitleSlider ; Use a title for slider; MSG_Minimum ; Minimum; MSG_Init ; Initialisation; MSG_SliderIdent ; Slider Identification; MSG_TextAttributes ; Text Attributes; MSG_TextSetMax ; Text SetMax; MSG_TextSetMin ; Text SetMin; MSG_Backgrounds ; Backgrounds; MSG_TextContent ; Text Content; MSG_MUIBuilderAuthor ; \033c\n\033bMUIBuilder\033n\n\nwas Written by\n\n\033bEric Totel\n; MSG_Catalog ; Catalog; MSG_CatalogKey MSG_Locale ; Locale; MSG_GetString ; GetString; MSG_Function ; Function; MSG_NeedBase ; You Need to fill in the 'BASE' argument !; MSG_TestClick ; Click Here; MSG_TestClickKey MSG_GroupError ; Warning !!!\nThe group called\n%s\nshould have %d children\nand has %d.\nDon't forget to correct this error !!!\n; MSG_Reverse ; Reverse; MSG_DoubleClick ; Double Click; MSG_ComeBack ; Go back to the main window to load !; MSG_AppWindow ; AppWindow; MSG_Backdrop ; BackDrop; MSG_Borderless ; Borderless; MSG_CloseGadget ; Close Gadget; MSG_DepthGadget ; Depth Gadget; MSG_DragBar ; Dragbar; MSG_SizeGadget ; Size Gadget; MSG_Register ; Register; MSG_RegisterEntries ; Register Entries;